
Example Project for a Go File System server that broadcasts to Android clients.

View the Project on GitHub tobiasbriones/ep-tcp-file-system

A Development Cycle Can Be Shorter

Analysis this project as case study, I had to release an initial alpha 0.1.0 version and then a stable 0.1.0 version for an MVP.

The development was quite agile, and I was able to constantly deliver pull requests for docs and dev, and also making releases in short periods of time.

Can these releases be actually used in production environment according to Agile? Some of them just can’t as they’re not stable.

I usually think about the iterative model where I can create a working bicycle and add more each iteration, unlike the incremental model that builds the parts instead of the whole.

The initial development went a bit more monolith because I decided from the beginning to use chunks of bytes to transfer the files, otherwise the system would be badly designed. That big feature made the initial development more monolithic and far from a stable-deployable MVP.

If I had to create this project again I would defer that feature for later and send the whole files at once for the initial releases.

Adding too many features at once also increases the uncertainty, cyclomatic complexity, and early testing. That makes refactorization more painful and hard to spot.