
Example Project for a Go File System server that broadcasts to Android clients.

View the Project on GitHub tobiasbriones/ep-tcp-file-system

Measure Cohesiveness

Cohesive modules do one thing and well done. It’s about the same responsibility. This is one of the most important engineering principles I teach.

Measure this by finding pieces of code that do not match the single responsibility.

For example, the Client struct was getting a bit out of hands. I checked and knew already that it had different type of implementations that are not directly related to the module.

The key here is to check specifications. The Client is an object that works directly with the net.Conn object, so it’s a networking detail. If I have file system, or IO inside there, then is the wrong place for that logic or implementation.

Just look at this red flag:

switch c.state {
    case Data:
    case Stream:
    case Eof:
    case Done, Error:
    log.Println("Exiting client")

I had pushed the process domain into this object. That is basically the definition of the FSM (something pure from the hardcore domain module), while I must have a network implementation detail into this Client module instead.

Projects are never perfect, and they evolve from prototypes or initial developments. I didn’t make a mistake on writing that code that way. We just need to write code that can be refactorized.

That answers a question I’ve seen on the internet: Do seniors write great code from the beginning?

I can’t over-engineer to tell that I write the best code since the beginning of all the projects, I can’t under-engineer eiter because that would turn into a problem factory soon. A “senior” like me just knows what to do in each situation.

Two Responsibilities

I’ve ended up with two responsibilities:

A robust production-grade TCP file system is complex, I just have the idea of implementing the example project. Use your imagination to think how much more needs to be done to have it complete.

I need to refactor out those two responsibilities to grow the code well. Otherwise, it starts becoming a ball of mud architecture.

Clear Obfuscation Off Your Domain

Many think that this is about writing “one function per file”, that’s not cohesive. You have to define that responsibility as I talk above. You can have greater modules or files but with the same kind of code, so you can straightforwardly navigate over that code that is about the same concept.

With that, the code scales well, and I’m not afraid of anything.

Cohesive code is understandable, is exactly what you need unlike OOP fuzzy words that add an extra layer of problems to everything. With a terrible code you can’t see what you have. With cohesive code you see exactly what you have as you defined the concept I’ve been talking about along all this article.

This is like Rust’s zero cost abstractions, you don’t either think about assembly (if not required), or unnecessary abstractions that obfuscate your logic like garbage collectors, or interpreters. Why do you think critical software has been written in predictable C and not GC languages? We can do the same for our software design, get domain specific as much as you can when tradeoffs allow it.

I Found Something Superb

Cohesiveness here is an abstract computer science measure.

The Wikipedia article defines it as:

In computer programming, cohesion refers to the degree to which the elements inside a module belong together. In one sense, it is a measure of the strength of relationship between the methods and data of a class and some unifying purpose or concept served by that class. In another sense, it is a measure of the strength of relationship between the class’s methods and data themselves.

Source: Wikipedia

That definition is too object-oriented, but it gives the idea.

Notice how is says “and some unifying purpose or concept served by that class” so that the “some” is defined by your objectives or requirements. That’s why I said cohesiveness is an abstract measure unlike electrical engineer formulas you find at universities.

That powerful observation I made proves that a software engineer (unlike traditional engineers) needs to go through a case by case basis to design the correct solution for each problem.

That’s why we need autonomous engineers and not managers. Manager and its bureaucratic derivatives are a smell, isn’t it more efficient that an autonomous engineer knows how to “manage” himself/herself for his/her agenda rather than someone else do it for them? That leads to fragment the knowledge from “subordinates” and “managers”. Sounds like OOP and their patterns, isn’t it?

The main different between a traditional engineer and an autonomous software engineer regarding correctness1 is that they have stable problems already solved like the gravity value that doesn’t significantly change on earth, but it does change. Software engineers have to deep into the domain problem to come out with a stable domain solution to that particular domain (anything you can imagine as everything runs on software nowadays).

Building ordinary software doesn’t make you an engineer at all but a software developer who uses the tools made by engineers, engineering is about correctness not about buzzwords or playing at the computer. It’s cool, we’re also developers, but they are just tools, not engineering as is.

I’ve been aware of all this, and then in sections like this I have the chance to develop it so others learn from me. Can you see? I’m an autonomous engineer, I don’t need a professor with 10 degrees or a manager to tell what I have to tell!. Schools, capitalism, etc., are stereotypes with generic rules. We don’t need them 2.

Take Away

This is like a family in set theory: a set of sets. Or an undefined integral: a family of functions. SWE principles tell you accurate definitions of how to solve a family of problems so that for a particular problem we come out with an accurate way to do the right thing right.

Unlike buzzwords that tell generic 3 rules that are not backed by science and math.

Make the Right Thing Right

Incompetent programmers or engineers put excuses to make things wrong.

Something valid is to say “this is a prototype, just get it done” because prototypes are not meant to be correct by their nature, they are not engineered a lot, and they’re made more by frontend/scripting developers (frontend does not necessarily mean GUI like HTML and CSS) than actual engineers.

They can say “duplication is better than the wrong abstraction”. That is not an excuse to make things wrong because you either have to work with robust well-defined software or prototypes but prototypes don’t have many abstractions!, so there are no excuses.

When I was struggling in real life after graduating from high-school I had a repetitive saying in my mind: excuses are for losers.

Some say you should write a prototype in a different language (a toy scripting language like Ruby, Python, PHP or JS sure) than the final language you will use to prevent reusing the prototype. This clarifies the difference I emphasized above:

I wrote a critic about bad practitioners, so you can get more insight.

I hope that insight had given you a better perspective to be a professional engineer who acts on behalf computer science rather than excuses and cringe marketing buzzwords like “WET”, “DRY”, “.NET”, etc.

  1. Many don’t consider SWE as real engineering because of lack of correctness but think about the prototype cases I mentioned in the section “Make the Right Thing Right” 

  2. From my real job experiences (not university) we’ve never had a manager or clown who looks you down from a pyramidal hierarchy, so we’re pretty much autonomous engineers instead 

  3. Those generic workarounds of OOP and “people-skilled” jobs do not get specialized, they’re not like “generic programming” but just stay “generic” forever instead, so they’re poorly defined in order to bypass formalisms of real engineering