
Example Project for a Go File System server that broadcasts to Android clients.

View the Project on GitHub tobiasbriones/ep-tcp-file-system

File System TCP Protocol

A basic file transfer protocol is designed to transfer files via TCP from a Go server to any client.

I will work with my prior experience from these two projects I developed past year:


The communication states are to be the following FSM:

The DATA, or STREAM states should not be explicitly passed or serialized to avoid the extra boilerplate overhead as many chunks will be sent for large files. They are agreed before sending/receiving the chunks so both server and client have the correct state to handle raw chunk data.


To serialize the data sent over TCP, a JSON object will be employed. That way any client can parse it.


The DTO should look like the following:

  "Command": {},
  "Response": 0,
  "State": "START",
  "Payload": [7, 15, 96]


The payload can contain any information needed for that state.

For the special DATA state, a JSON array is to be sent as payload instead. When the client detects it as array it will know that is a data chunk. The existence of the Size attribute here implies that the status is DATA too since the client has to send the file size when uploading it.

The size indicates the length of the chunk or buffer that the client or server has to read.

A start payload should look like this:

  "Action": 0,
  "FileInfo": {
    "File": {
      "Path": {
        "Value": "file.html"
    "Size": 5000
  "Channel": "tobi"

These attributes are embedding in the Go data types, so they are actually flat, e.g. pass Value directly as the File#Path#Value.

System Interaction

The following UML Sequence diagram depicts the most important use cases and logic flow for this system:

TCP FS UML Sequence Diagram

With that, stakeholders can understand the system architecture.

Note: I have to say, this diagram is a bit out of date as if was the initial design I devised, and the state diagram below depicts this model more accurately. Even though, it still tells us how concurrent users can be seen by the server.

More conceptual or technical documentation can be developed if required, but it is important to optimize for the source code as source of truth instead.

The file system actions for UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD are a formal finite state machine defined below.

TCP FS Process State Diagram

Invisible transitions are implicitly sent to the same state (e.g. if more data is coming, then the state keeps at DATA until if finishes).

The next flow diagram shows a normal use case for action DOWNLOAD:

TCP FS Basic Flow

Keeping the states consistently on the server and client by allowing a good communication is key.

System Modules

The system requires the following modules:

The fs module is the file system model so that the application can understand business logic, while the process module provides the physical implementation for the FSM for actions like DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD files acting as a bridge amount the fs module and external modules like server, client or admin.

The server module implements the hub of client connections for the network layer of the system, and it’s consumed by client, and admin.

Also take into consideration that the project layout is monorepo.

Client Updates

A TCP Hub is implemented to register, unregister, and broadcast changes to the client.


In addition to the process defined, the server also accepts commands as specified in the data types above.

To call a command, the process must be at state START (on hold), and pass it to the Command message attribute:

  "Command": {
    "REQ": "{your-request}"

along with any additional data attribute required by the command.

Supported Commands

Request Attr. 1 Description
SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL (channel’s name) It sets the channel the client wants to subscribe for the given connection
CREATE_CHANNEL CHANNEL (channel’s name) It creates a new channel. It does not perform any action if already exists.
DELETE_CHANNEL CHANNEL (channel’s name) It deletes the given channel and all its contents. It does not perform any action if it does not exist.
LIST_CHANNELS - Returns a list of existing channels.
LIST_FILES CHANNEL (files parent) Returns a list of files under the given channel.
CID - Returns the per-server-instance ID that was generated to identify that client.
CONNECTED_USERS - Returns a list of all connected clients into this server hub instance.
SUBSCRIBE_TO_LIST_CONNECTED_USERS - It sends a list of connected users when a user registers/unregisters/subscribes

Non-Functional Requirements

There should be non-functional requirements like time out to clean the server hub from dead clients.

Currently, there are two read timeouts: short and long. It depends on the expectations to use one of the other, e.g. for having a client in hold it waits long (20min), but for waiting for a chunk it waits short (20sec).


A big amount of test cases can be found in the code base. Side effect tests for the server are in /server/main_test.go and the other test files in that package.